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Sincere congratulations on the anniversary

Nitrogen-containing laboratory №19 heartly congratulates our colleague, the newly minted doctor of chemical Sciences Gazieva G. A. on the 50th anniversary. Over the past 25 years, she has gone from graduate student to doctor of Chemical Sciences. 

 First, back in 2000, she defended her PhD thesis under the supervision of A. N. Kravchenko, then in 2018 she defended her doctoral dissertation, and now she is the leader of the group, working with postgraduates and students. She has published more than 50 articles in Russian and foreign journals. 

Our team wants to wish her to always remain the same responsive, kind and open person, set new and interesting tasks, and never to stop at what has been achieved in the future. always remain the same responsive, kind and open person, set new and interesting tasks, and never to stop at what has been achieved in the future.