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Science of the future – the science of the young (Novosibirsk -2022)

  The scientific event "Science of the future – the science of the young" is held annually at the sites of the leading universities of our country.Since 2014, the forum has been held in different cities. The large geography covered St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Sochi, Moscow and Kaliningrad. In recent years, the forum "Science of the Future – the Science of the Young" has become one of the symbols of the transformation of Russian science and Russian education into a modern new platform for combining research and educational activities. At this VII All-Russian Youth Forum "Science of the Future - the science of the young", held in Novosibirsk from August 23 to 26. Alexander Shuvaev, a student of our laboratory of nitrogen-containing compounds, took the honorable 2nd place in the Chemistry and Chemical Technologies section. We also join the congratulations of our colleague from the ZIOC Andrei Kobelev with the diploma of the first place.We wish both winners of the award the realization of all their ideas in the future and fruitful work in the scientific field.